Enterprise Estonia grant

Miros is building a future where online shoppers don’t have to translate what they want, just so a computer could understand. Instead they can communicate with computers as if they would with a friend, in an intuitive, conversational fashion.


Beyond words

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) project

The project activities include applied research and product development, focusing on improving the AI solution, user experience, and integration process. This involves optimizing the software, backend architecture, and integration modules for minimal retailer involvement, and conducting validation studies in collaboration with different retailers.

The goal of the project is to develop an AI-driven subconscious fashion search engine that improves online shopping by using users' emotional reactions to images, helping them find fashion items that match their personal taste.

The result of the project will be a developed and validated prototype of the AI-driven subconscious fashion search engine, optimized for seamless integration with online retailers and enhancing users' shopping experience.

Grant amount: 722 420 EUR

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